Üllo is a revolutionary wine purifier that uses Selective Sulfite™ technology to remove sulfites and reduce histamines, bringing wine back to its natural state.

“Thank you for creating this wonder product so that I can continue ‘momming’ and drinking my necessary wine!”

Kristina W.

“…with this filter, he can drink any wine with no problems. Great product!!!!”

Nicole B.

“We bought one and we love it! Definitely makes a big difference.”

Mary M.

“Great job on dev eloping this product, I only wish it was available 30 years ago.”

Randy P.

“I have used this multiple time and have had wine without being filtered. I notice a major difference.”

Chris L.

"Awesome product. Very useful and something that actually works. Love it."


What Üllo is right for me?

The following chart will help you choose between the Original Wine Purifier, Chill™ or Open™.


Ullo's Uno wine purifying wands disrupt the wine purification industry by providing a simple and convenient method to remove sulfites and histamines from wine.
Tamron discusses how Üllo is the first and only company to specifically target sulfites, she also mentions how perfect Üllo is to use on Valentine’s Day since it falls on a weekday and no one wants a hangover for work the next day!
Love to sip wine, but the sulfite preservatives not so much? The Ullo Open wine purifier helps to reduce the amount of sulfites in wine -- after all, their job is done once the bottle is open -- allowing the unique vineyard flavor profiles and aromas to shine through.